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Thrive TA
Check out our NEW Resource Hub with information from the Thrive TA Team and CY/EM Grantees!
  • Introduction to Thrive TA
    Introduction to Thrive TA Team: Caminar Latino-LUPE, National Compadres Network, Futures Without Violence
  • Hombre Noble
    This webinar focuses on exploring the definition of Sacred Manhood and “Un Hombre Noble” (A Noble Man), the counter-narrative of men with toxic masculinity. We do this by uplifting the positive values, traditions, practices, roles and responsibilities of Sacred Manhood that support individuals in building, nurturing, and maintaining healthy relationships. This helps create a greater awareness of the importance of healthy rites of passage and transformational healing to promote the prevention of domestic/intimate partner violence. This session is facilitated by Maestro Jerry Tello and Ozzie Cruz members of the Thrive TA Team and the National Compadres Network
  • Strategies to Avoid Child Welfare
    This webinar discusses the impact of child welfare involvement for survivors of domestic violence (DV) and highlights protective factors for survivors and their relevance to interrupting child welfare involvement. The training provides tips for short and long term supportive actions for survivors at risk of child welfare involvement. This session is facilitated by Shellie Taggart and Wendy Mota members of the Thrive TA team and Futures Without Violence
  • Grantee Spotlight: Ten Men
    Webinar featuring the Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence Ten Men program, an engaging men grantee
  • Children's Exposure to Domestic Violence Action Sheet
    Fact sheet for grantees with ideas and tips for collaborating with the community to address the issue of children exposed to domestic violence
  • Children's Exposure to Domestic Violence Action Sheet
    General fact sheet about children exposed to domestic violence. The fact sheet covers the prevalence and impact of witnessing DV as a children as well as protective factors and possible interventions
  • Promoting Community Education Through a Social Marketing Campaign Targeting Boys and Men for Prevention
    Fact sheet on developing social marketing/social media campaigns using the 5 P's of social marketing - product, price, place, promotion, and publics
  • Grantee Spotlight: Kokua Kalihi Valley
    Webinar on the Kuya Stand Up, Speak Out Project presented by Kokua Kalihi Valley - an Engaging Men and Boys grantee. The project utilizes a cohort model and features informational (topic- based) sessions, talk story (discussion and peer learning) sessions, and culminates with a group project (community event, PSA, social media campaign, etc).
  • Grantee Spotlight: Margaret's Place
    Powerpoint Presentation (slide deck) about Margaret’s Place - a comprehensive violence/ trauma intervention and prevention program that empowers young people and their school communities to play a role in ending the cycle of domestic violence and other forms of interpersonal violence


Caminar Latin o National Compadres Network Futures Without Violence
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